Comprehensive Package (Middleton Title 5)


This comprehensive testing package includes an extensive list of contaminants, volatile organic compounds, and radon. It also fulfills the requirements of Chapter 339 regulations for Middleton MA, for Title 5 testing.

Sampling by the lab is required for this package, priced by location. If your town is not listed, sampling will be priced separately. Please contact the lab for details before purchase.

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This comprehensive testing package includes an extensive list of contaminants, volatile organic compounds, and radon. Because of the specific sampling requirements for the volatiles, the lab is required to collect these samples for you. After you purchase your kit, contact the lab at 978-777-4442 or [email protected] to schedule sampling and someone from the lab will come out to your site to collect the samples. Pricing for sampling varies based on your location.

This package includes the following analytes: Alkalinity, Chloride, Conductivity, Fluoride, hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite, Orthophosphate, pH, Corrosivity, Sulfate, Color, Odor, Turbidity, & Sediment, Arsenic, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Lead, Manganese, Free Residual Chlorine, Ammonia, Total Coliform (P/A), E. coli (P/A), VOC 524 (volatile organics), and Radon.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 12 in
Sampling Location

Middleton, Peabody, Danvers, Boxford, Other


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